A B H Firearm Safety Course




Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns

On this course students will learn about firearm safety, safe handling, laws, fit and proper persons, ethics, licence application, legislation, genuine reasons, storage and transport and much more regarding a category A, B and H Weapons Licence (rifles, shotguns, pistols).

11029NAT – Course in Firearms and Weapons  Safety (Approved for Firearms Licensing in Queensland).

Throughout the duration of the firearm safety course students will be evaluated by means of theory, practical and a “Live Fire” assessment at the end of the firearms safety course, once the student has successfully completed the safety course a nationally accredited “Statement of Attainment” will be issued to accompany your application for your very own Weapons Licence

The live fire practical assessment at the end of the firearms safety course is to assess the students ability to display current foundation skills learnt throughout the duration of the Firearms Safety Course in accordance with the assessment guidelines.

The ABH firearms safety course units of competency are as follows:

NAT11029001 Demonstrate knowledge of weapons legislation, weapons, and community safety

NAT11029002 Use Category A and B firearms lawfully, safely, and responsibly

NAT11029005 Use Category H firearms lawfully, safely, and responsibly

This Firearms Safety Course is for persons wanting to apply for a Firearms Licence for the use of the following:

Rifles (Rimfire and Centrefire)

Shotguns (E.g. Break Action)

Lever Action Rifles

Muzzle Loading Firearm (Black powder, Flint Lock, Cap and Ball)

Pump Action Rifles

Combination Guns

A miniature cannon under 120 cm in barrel length (Cat A)

Handgun/pistol (Semi auto, Revolver, Black Powder, Flint lock, Cap and Ball)

Bookings and Course information can be found on the main page of our website.

I look forward to seeing you on one of our firearm safety courses.