Booking Proceedure


The calendar to the right has the dates for all upcoming firearm safety courses, once you find a date that suits you, click on the highlighted date and enrol at the bottom of that page, once you have enrolled you will be sent an email confirming your enrolment with a list of things needed before and on the day of the firearm safety course.

The firearms safety course is made up of various theoretical components, assessments, handling skills and a live fire assessment at the end of the course.

The written test is a competency based assessment and is made up of multiple choice, true or false, yes or no and numerical matching questions.

The practical component of the firearms safety course is designed to assess the students ability to handle a firearm in a range of different situations safely, all of which may be encountered on a range or in the field.

All students are to bring with them enclosed foot ware, photo I.D, pen and paper to take notes, sunglasses or safety glasses as the live fire component of the firearms safety course will be conducted in an outdoor environment. Safety glasses and hearing protection will also be provided on the day if the student doesn’t already own their own.

Payment for the course must be made before the start date and confirmation to be provided by student on the day, unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. 

Cancellation Policy

A late cancellation is a loss to three people:

  • The student who is delaying getting their firearm licence.
  • Another student who has been sitting on the waiting list to complete a firearm safety course.


  • The firearms Instructor who has spent time preparing for a cancelled placement on the firearm safety course.

As a result the following cancellation policy is in place:

QLD Firearms Training requires 24 hours notice to cancel a placement without occurring any extra fees. A $200 fee will be charged for non-attendance or less than 24 hours cancellation of a placement on the firearm safety course. Course fees are valid for 12 months from date of payment.

 By enrolling on a QLD Firearms Training course you accept and acknowledge the terms and conditions stated above regarding your placement with QLD Firearms Training in accordance with their policies and procedures.

You’re now ready to click on the “Bookings” tab and click “Upon Confirmation”.